Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM | Phone: (406) 586-7873 | Fax: (406) 586-2332 

Telehealth Services

telehealth services

Real-Time Healthcare Visits

Schedule a visit with a Pure Dermatology provider just like you would for an in-office visit – from the comfort of your own home.

Contact the office and a simple, convenient, secure message will be sent to your mobile phone with a visit link.

**All patients must be physically located in Montana to use Telehealth services.

Benefits of Telehealth Services

Real-Time Video Access to Your Dermatology Provider

Interact from the comfort of your home while social distancing

Schedule A Visit With Your Provider Just Like You Always Do

Call the Pure office at
(406) 586-7873 to schedule a medical appointment. A simple, convenient and secure visit link will be sent to your mobile phone.

We Submit To Your Insurance Just Like An In-Office Visit 

Your insurance pays and reimburses per your specific plan

How it Works

Real-time audio and video capabilities from the safety and convenience of home.

Telemedicine plays a vital role in helping prevent the spread of the COVID-19 virus and other communicable illness. It also helps patients who may not be able to come into the office due to pre-existing conditions, physical distance, or an urgent medical dermatological need.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Telehealth?

Telehealth is a way for you to see a dermatology provider remotely. It is a live video visit via your smart phone, tablet, or laptop that allows you to address skin concerns. While not all dermatology needs can be met through telehealth, this option can be a valuable tool for patients who would like to see a provider from the comfort and safety of their own home or outside of conventional clinic hours.  Telehealth visits can be more efficient with reduced wait times and no need to commute. 

What conditions or types of appointments does Telehealth work best for?

The types of appointments that an online dermatology consultation are most effective for include:

  • Skin conditions of the face, like acne or rosacea, characterized by pimples and/or redness
  • Accutane (Isotretinoin) follow ups
  • Hand dryness or itching, as well as hand rashes from excessive hand-washing
  • Most rashes, such as eczema, psoriasis, dandruff, and itching
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis)
  • Fungal infections like athlete’s foot, onychomycosis or ringworm
  • Warts (when topical options can be prescribed)
  • Cold sores on the lips
  • Anti-aging skincare questions
  • Melasma

What types of conditions or visits are not well-suited for an online dermatology consultation?

Conditions and examinations that are better suited for in-person visits include:

  • Full body skin cancer checks
  • Evaluations of single lesions, like a dark spot or a changing mole, that requires a close, in-person evaluation, possibly with a magnifying scope (dermatoscope)
  • Certain types of hair loss that are accompanied by scarring, excessive scaling, or pus drainage
  • Autoimmune conditions like lupus
  • Large skin ulcers
  • Infected wounds
  • Severe rashes that are accompanied by painful skin, blisters, fever, sores on the lips/mouth/eyes/genital areas, feeling ill, oozing, or drainage
  • Any skin condition that is causing extreme worry, discomfort, or pain

How is a new patient visit different from an established patient visit?

Although similar, a new patient online consultation usually takes a bit longer than an established patient visit. This is because we need to discuss your medications, allergies, medical history, and family history, in addition to the current concerns. Depending on your insurance coverage, there can also be cost differences between a new patient and an established patient.

Can I receive care for more than one area of concern during the visit?

In general, if there is a major concern, it is best to give this the full attention it deserves. If there are minor concerns that you would like to discuss with your provider afterward, you can do so, if there’s enough time.  Ultimately, concerns need to be prioritized by both the patient and the provider to optimize the visit in the safest and most effective manner.

Can prescriptions be prescribed during a telehealth appointment?

Prescriptions can be sent to your pharmacy following a dermatology visit. The appropriate topical medications and/or oral pills will be sent to the pharmacy, usually electronically.

Can laboratory tests be ordered during a telehealth appointment?

Yes, a lab order can be faxed to the laboratory of your choice.

What type of setting is best for my visit?

The best setting for a telehealth visit is a private, well-lit, quiet room. It is best to face a window, rather than have your back to the window. This will optimize the lighting, allowing your provider to easily view the area of concern. Sitting at a desk or a table can also be useful to avoid unnecessary movement. If possible, having someone with you who has the ability to hold your smartphone allows better visibility for hard to reach areas of concern. Please be somewhere with a reliable connection and plan to remain in one location during the visit.

How long will the visit take?

Although the time required for your visit will vary depending on your skin concern, telehealth visits generally take from 10 to 20 minutes.

Will I need to come in for an office visit, too?

In some cases, your provider will decide that your condition requires an in-person evaluation, following the telehealth visit. Typical examples include:

  • Concerns about skin cancer
  • Lack of improvement in a condition after completing the recommended treatment
  • The need to evaluate a condition in more detail in order to make a proper diagnosis

Is my Telehealth visit covered by insurance?

Coverage is always decided by your individual insurance policy, although most major insurance companies have announced that they will cover telemedicine visits. Check with your insurance provider for details.

Will I be able to communicate with my provider after the visit if I have questions?

Yes, the same system we use for the remote visit contains a messaging platform.  You may contact your provider there or you may call our office.

Are there limitations to Telehealth?

Technology can have limitations including connection issues, audio delays or poor video quality.  Our platform and connection generally provide excellent sound and video.  Should there be any issues during the visit, your provider will work with you to complete the visit or reschedule.  You may be asked to send photos via the secure platform.  Connection issues are rare, but we know they sometimes occur despite our best efforts. 

Questions about our Telehealth Services? Drop us a line to find out more!

We will be back to you within 24 hours.