Monday – Friday 8 AM – 5 PM | Phone: (406) 586-7873 | Fax: (406) 586-2332 

Awkwardly Honored

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By Becca Sayre

EvKristyMc_Squareer since a boy in my youth group told me I had elf ears in the 7th grade, I have been aware that I am just a bit not so perfect – awkward if you will.

In the 9th grade, my keyboarding teacher informed me that I would look like a shriveled-up prune because my constant facial expressions would cause lots and lots of permanent wrinkles.

All that to say, I have known for quite some time that my words can be less than eloquent and my movements less than graceful. At times, it seems downright funny that I am part of a profession that requires poise and calm, and where I need to be a walking example of healthy skin. Ten years ago, if you told me I would work at a dermatology clinic in the future, I would’ve laughed.

My words are still less than perfect, with questions such as, “would you like your wife to come in with you for your exam,” posed to a patient’s daughter. I have also been known to regularly compliment bald men who have protected their heads from sun damage with, “you have a really nice scalp.”

My knowledge of skin care and skin disease has increased, along with my self-confidence; patient care is, as I like to say, “my jam”.  It is such an honor and privilege to be a part of a team with 18 of the most talented and beautiful women in Bozeman, and a gift to work with the most generous, interesting, and forgiving patients anyone could ever ask for.

Happy Wednesday!